
Topup Command

The Topup command allows users to manage payment gateways and make top-up transactions. The command supports two payment gateways: TrueWallet and PromptPay.


The TrueWallet payment gateway allows users to top up their accounts using TrueWallet links.


To set up TrueWallet payment gateway:

/topup truewallet link <TrueWallet_Link>
  • <TrueWallet_Link> is the TrueWallet link to use for top-up.


The PromptPay payment gateway allows users to make top-up transactions.


To set up the PromptPay payment gateway:

/topup promptpay amount <Amount>
  • <Amount> is the amount to top up.

That's how you can create and use the "topup" command in GitBook, along with specifying the required permissions for each payment gateway. Make sure to replace <TrueWallet_Link> and <Amount> with the actual parameters users will need to provide.

Remember to customize the guide further with additional details, installation instructions, and any other relevant information for your Discord bot users.

Last updated