
To use Moderator commands, you need to add your admin rights.

Permission required : Administrator

Admin Command Usage

The "admin" command allows administrators to manage roles and users within the application. This command provides various subcommands to add, remove, list, and clear admin roles and users in the whitelist.

Command Structure

To use the "admin" command, follow this structure:

/admin <subcommand> [options]

Replace <subcommand> with one of the available subcommands listed below and provide any required options based on the chosen subcommand.


1. role-add

Add an admin role to the whitelist.


/admin role-add <role>
  • role (Required): The role you want to add to the whitelist.

2. role-remove

Remove an admin role from the whitelist.


/admin role-remove <role>
  • role (Required): The role you want to remove from the whitelist.

3. role-list

List all admin roles in the whitelist.


/admin role-list

4. role-clear

Clear all admin roles from the whitelist.


/admin role-clear

5. user-add

Add an admin user to the whitelist.


/admin user-add <user>
  • user (Required): The user you want to add to the whitelist.

6. user-remove

Remove an admin user from the whitelist.


/admin user-remove <user>
  • user (Required): The user you want to remove from the whitelist.

7. user-list

List all admin users in the whitelist.


/admin user-list

8. user-clear

Clear all admin users from the whitelist.


/admin user-clear

Example Usage

  • To remove an admin user from the whitelist:

/admin user-remove @User123

Last updated