
Here's a document for the usage of the "money" command:

Money Command

The "money" command allows you to manage money-related actions for users in your server. This command has several subcommands, each serving a specific purpose. Follow the syntax and descriptions below to use the "money" command effectively.

Command Structure

To use the "money" command, follow this structure:

/money <subcommand> [options]

Replace <subcommand> with one of the available subcommands listed below and provide any required options based on the chosen subcommand.


1. add

Add Money


/money add --member <User> --amount <Integer>
  • --member (Required): Specify the user to whom you want to add money.

  • --amount (Required): Define the amount of money you wish to add.

  • Required Permissions: Administrator

2. remove

Remove Money


/money remove --member <User> --amount <Integer>
  • --member (Required): Specify the user from whom you want to remove money.

  • --amount (Required): Specify the amount of money you wish to remove.

  • Required Permissions: Administrator

3. set

Set Money


/money set --member <User> --amount <Integer>
  • --member (Required): Define the user whose money you want to set.

  • --amount (Required): Specify the new amount to set.

  • Required Permissions: Administrator

4. reset-money

Reset All Total Money


/money reset-money --member <User>
  • --member (Required): Specify the user for whom you want to reset the total money.

  • Required Permissions: Administrator

5. check

Check Money


/money check [User]
  • User (Optional): Specify the user whose money you want to check. If not provided, it defaults to the user running the command.

6. reset-all-money

Reset All Total Money


/money reset-all-money
  • Required Permissions: Administrator

7. reset-all-total

Reset All Total Money


/money reset-all-total
  • Required Permissions: Administrator

Example Usage

  • To check the money for a specific user:

/money check @User123
  • To add money to a user's account:

/money add --member @User123 --amount 1000
  • To remove money from a user's account:

/money remove --member @User123 --amount 500
  • To set a user's money to a specific amount:

/money set --member @User123 --amount 1500
  • To reset all total money records for all users:

/money reset-all-total
  • To reset all money for a specific user:

/money reset-money --member @User123

Last updated