🤖Auto Mod


The automod command allows you to manage auto moderation settings in your Discord server. You can enable, disable, and configure specific auto moderation rules to maintain a safe and friendly server environment.

Command Usage

  • /automod enable: Enable auto moderation for specific rule types.

  • /automod disable: Disable auto moderation for specific rule types.

Command Options

Enable Auto Moderation

  • Command: /automod enable

  • Description: Enable auto moderation for specific rule types.

  • Options:

    • type:

      • Description: Type of auto moderation.

      • Required: Yes

      • Choices:

        • "Anti All link"

        • "Anti Mention Everyone"

    • channel:

      • Description: Optional channel to send log messages.

      • Required: No

Disable Auto Moderation

  • Command: /automod disable

  • Description: Disable auto moderation for specific rule types.

  • Options:

    • type:

      • Description: Type of auto moderation to disable.

      • Required: Yes

      • Choices:

        • "Anti All link"

        • "Anti Mention Everyone"


  • To use this command, users need the ManageGuild permission.

  • The bot also requires the ManageGuild permission to configure auto moderation rules.

Command Details

Enabling Auto Moderation

  • Command: /automod enable

  • Usage: Enable auto moderation for specific rule types.

  • Permissions Required:

    • User: ManageGuild

    • Bot: ManageGuild

  • Steps:

    1. Select the type of auto moderation you want to enable.

    2. Optionally, specify a channel to send log messages.

    3. Confirm to enable auto moderation.

Disabling Auto Moderation

  • Command: /automod disable

  • Usage: Disable auto moderation for specific rule types.

  • Permissions Required:

    • User: ManageGuild

    • Bot: ManageGuild

  • Steps:

    1. Select the type of auto moderation you want to disable.

    2. Confirm to disable auto moderation for the selected rule.

Available Auto Moderation Rules

  • Anti All Link:

    • This rule prevents users from sending messages with URLs, links, or invitations.

  • Anti Mention Everyone:

    • This rule blocks messages that mention everyone or here.

Additional Information

  • Auto moderation helps maintain a safe and controlled environment in your server.

  • You can configure specific channels for log messages to monitor rule violations.


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Last updated