
The "fanday" application command is designed for a Thai community server. It allows users to interact with various features related to their fanday status, matching preferences, profiles, and requests

Discord Bot Application Command: "fanday"


  • Ensure that your Discord bot is added to a server with the Thai community and has appropriate permissions.

Command Structure

The "fanday" command consists of several subcommands and options:

  1. Set Status

    • Subcommand: /fanday status

    • Description: Set your fanday status (เปิด or ปิด).

  2. Divorce

    • Subcommand: /fanday divorce

    • Description: Divorce with your fanday.

  3. Match Premium

    • Subcommand: /fanday match-premium

    • Description: Your matches will be matched from every server.

    • Options:

      • Gender: Select gender for the match (หญิง, ชาย, or LGBTQ).

      • Age: Enter an age number (12-99) for the match.

      • Location: Enter the location for the match (เหนือ, อีสาน, กลาง, ใต้).

  4. Match

    • Subcommand: /fanday match

    • Description: Your matches will be made only from within the server you command.

    • Options:

      • Gender: Select gender for the match (หญิง, ชาย, or LGBTQ).

      • Age: Enter an age number (12-99) for the match.

      • Location: Enter the location for the match (เหนือ, อีสาน, กลาง, ใต้).

  5. View Profile

    • Subcommand: /fanday profile

    • Description: View your fanday profile.

    • Options:

      • Member: Select a member to view their profile.

  6. Request

    • Subcommand Group: /fanday request

    • Description: Manage your fanday requests.

    • Subcommands:

      • List: View your request list.

      • Delete: Delete a request.

        • Options: Enter the request ID for deletion.


Before using the "fanday" command, make sure your server's preferred locale is set to Thai. Users can access various features and interact with their fanday through this command.


Here are some usage examples of the "fanday" command:

  • Setting fanday status:

    /fanday status active เปิด
  • Matching preferences with premium options:

    /fanday match-premium gender หญิง age 25 location เหนือ
  • Viewing a fanday profile:

    /fanday profile member @username


Please ensure that your Discord bot has the necessary permissions and is added to a server that meets the requirements for this command to work.

This document outlines the "fanday" Discord bot application command for a Thai community server.

Last updated