
The "payment" command is used for setting up top-up payment gateways and managing related configurations for a Discord server. This command is typically used to configure payment gateways, alert chann

To generate documentation for the "payment" Discord bot command, you can create a document that explains how the command works, its subcommands, and how to use it. Here's a sample document:

Discord Bot Command: "payment"

Command Structure

The "payment" command has the following subcommands and options:

  1. Setup

    • Subcommand Group: /payment setup

    • Description: Setup various payment gateways.

    • Options:

      • TrueWallet

        • Subcommand: /payment setup truewallet

        • Description: Setup the TrueWallet payment gateway.

      • Stripe

        • Subcommand: /payment setup stripe

        • Description: Setup the Stripe payment gateway.

  2. Alert Channel

    • Subcommand: /payment alert_channel

    • Description: Set up an alert channel for payment notifications.

    • Options:

      • Channel

        • Subcommand: /payment alert_channel channel

        • Description: Specify the channel to send payment alerts to. (Required)

  3. Promotion

    • Subcommand: /payment promotion

    • Description: Set up promotion settings.

    • Options:

      • Multiplier

        • Subcommand: /payment promotion multiplier

        • Description: Configure a multiplier for promotions. (Required)


The "payment" command allows server administrators to configure payment gateways, alert channels, and promotional settings. Below are some examples of how to use this command:

Setup TrueWallet Payment Gateway

/payment setup truewallet

Setup Stripe Payment Gateway

/payment setup stripe

Set Alert Channel

/payment alert_channel channel #payment-alerts

Set Promotion Multiplier

/payment promotion multiplier 2


  • The "payment" command may have specific requirements or restrictions based on your server's configuration.

  • Ensure that only server administrators or the server owner have access to certain settings, such as promotions.

Last updated