
Using Commands in Your Discord Bot

In your Discord bot, you can use various commands to perform specific actions. This guide provides an overview of available commands and the permissions required for each command.



The setup-store command allows you to set up your store system. It provides options for configuring the store, including sending a message with store information and options for top-up methods.


/setup-store [embeds-json]


  • embeds-json (Optional): Enter JSON data to customize the message's appearance.

Permissions Required:

  • User Permissions: ManageGuild

  • Bot Permissions: ManageRoles is required to set up the store.


The add-items command enables you to add new items to your store. You can specify the item's name and price, and optionally, the item's amount and description.


/add-items <name> <price> [amount] [description]


  • name: Set the name for the item.

  • price: Set the price for the item.

  • amount (Optional): Set the available quantity of the item.

  • description (Optional): Provide a description for the item.

Permissions Required:

  • User Permissions: ManageGuild

  • Bot Permissions: None


The add-roles command allows you to add roles to your store. Specify the role, its price, and optional parameters for the timeout and description.


/add-roles <role> <price> [time-out] [description]


  • role: Set the role you want to add to the store.

  • price: Set the price for the role.

  • time-out (Optional): Define a timeout for the role.

  • description (Optional): Provide a description for the role.

Permissions Required:

  • User Permissions: ManageGuild

  • Bot Permissions: ManageRoles is required to manage roles in the store.


The items-remove command allows you to remove items from the store based on their item ID.


/items-remove <item-id>


  • item-id: The ID of the item you want to remove from the store.

Permissions Required:

  • User Permissions: ManageRoles

  • Bot Permissions: None


With these commands, you can effectively set up and manage your store in your Discord bot. Make sure to check and meet the required permissions to use these commands successfully.

Remember to adjust the permissions and usage based on your specific bot and server requirements.

Last updated